In the Stock Count screen, it is possible to mistakenly enter a very large quantity in the Quantity field when entering an item to a journal. An example of this mistake is to scan in the UPC of your next item as the Count, putting in Counted value of 191,743,299,933. Add a parameter on Retail Parameters where you can set an upper limit (ex: 100,000 or so) that will be checked when the count journal is "comitted" on the POS. If there is a quantity on that journal which is greater than this parameter, throw an error msg on the POS screen to let the user know about this problem so they can correct it. Do not let them go forward until the quantity problem is resolved.
This will help fix a lot of downstream D365-side financial fixes when this kind of mistake happens. Since the "Add Product" and "Quantity" screens look so similar on the POS, it is very easy to make this kind of mistake.
This will help fix a lot of downstream D365-side financial fixes when this kind of mistake happens. Since the "Add Product" and "Quantity" screens look so similar on the POS, it is very easy to make this kind of mistake.
Also, this same check should be put into place when creating a "transfer out" or when receiving a TO or PO at a detail line-level.
Category: Inventory management
Administrator on 6/4/2023 4:25:38 AM
Thank you for the product suggestion! Unfortunately this is not currently aligned with our product roadmap so we are marking it as Declined. Meanwhile, for your information, an enhanced stock count operation in POS is delivered in 2021 release Wave 2, which includes a comparison view of system recorded vs. counted inventory, and a Review function to detect delta for double confirm. These new capabilities might address your requirements to some extend, please consider giving a try. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager, Dynamics 365 Commerce