
it would be helpful if there is an easier way to get an posted purch. receipt. line corrected for invoice. If the customer has a different departments for warehouse und purchase invoice creation (financials) it is a big pain for the financials department to correct posting errors.

The customers uses the "Get Receipt Line" function to get the posted receipt line into the invoice. But if the purchasing/warehouse department did an error and entered the wrong quantity or unit, the financials departmant has a lot of uncomfortable work to do:

1) Navigate to the posted purchase receipt
2) Undo the posted line
3) Go to the purchase Order
4) fix the error in purchase line
4) Create a new warehouse receipt
5) Open the warehouse receipt (they have to be warehouse employees for this)
6) Post the warehouse receipt
7) Get the new posted warehouse receipt into the purchase line.

It would be helpful if there would be an easier way to correct posting Errors out of purchase invoices.
Category: Purchasing
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