In NZ localization of Business Central, we have few reports like

28071 - Purch. - Tax Invoice

28072 - Sales - Tax Invoice

28073 - Purch. - Tax Cr. Memo

28074 - Sales - Tax Cr. Memo

These Reports does have USAGE in the Report Selection Table in backend with respective Report. But on the Report Selections Page (Front End), those are not present. Due to that, in case if customer wants to select any other report id instead of existing, it is only possible via customized action and not from here. So, it would be really help to NZ localized customers if this is present on the Page of Report Selection - Sales.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our (longer term) roadmap.

Your help is greatly appreciated,

Aleksandar Totovic
PM, Microsoft