Currently in order to post Warehouse Shipment or Warehouse Receipt user must have direct permissions to modify Sales and Order Lines. Whse.-Post Shipment and Whse.-Post Receipt codeunits don't have indirect permissions to modify Sales and Purchase Lines. So, warehouse employees need to have full permissions to modify order lines, even that they shouldn't have such in order to achieve separation of duties (between order processing and warehouse). The request is to add indirect modify permissions for Sales Lines to Whse.-Post Shipment and for Purchase Lines in Whse.-Post Receipt codeunit. This way warehouse employees can post the Warehouse Shipment and Warehouse Receipt documents even not having direct permissions to modify Sales or Purchase Lines.

Category: Warehousing
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team