This suggestion is for the POS to provide a warning when the inventory of an item you are trying to sell is zero (as represented in D365 on-hand amounts). This will warn that the inventory of that item will go into the negative. Also, some companies may not want inventory to ever go negative, in which case it would be convenient to be able to block a sale of an item with zero inventory at the POS. This feature would not be used in the case that a customer already has the product in their hands before purchase, however, in a case where product inventory is tightly controlled and is stored behind the counter or in a back room it would be quite useful to prevent or warn about the sale of zero inventory items. In this case, the inventory problem could be discovered at the POS right away and then the company could take steps to fix it.
It's a good idea but It will be more dynamic if there is a "safety Stock" parameter on the released product where you can set the limit quantity. If the item goes under this limit quantity Mpos gives you a warning while you insert the item in the transaction. This implementation is useful also for give to the user a remind to create a PO or riceive transfer order.
Category: Inventory management
Dear Microsoft Team
This feature is very important in today's retail environment to prevent fraud management. Today's enterprise retailer is a combination of Company owned as well as franchisee operated brick and mortar stores.
It is must to have a check at POS Level where Cashiers cannot sell fraudulent stock and are only allowed to sell stock maintained purchased from authorized centers
Category: Inventory management
We can't wait to have this idea implemented!! :)
Category: Inventory management
Holly Haines (administrator) on 2/16/2024 9:43:18 AM
Thanks for your feedback. This is a great suggestion. We have added this to our backlog to be considered in a future release. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Program Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce.