Customers Group structure includes many companies e.g. 20 companies in one or many countries. Intercompany transactions need main account at least for IC accounts receivables/payables, sales, purchases. In this scenario with current standard functionalities customer would need to setup many intercompany main accounts. Worst case this might mean many hundred intercompany main accounts. We have not done this but created just few intercompany main accounts and use with this one dimension to separate transactions inside main account. So we have dimension with values of legal entity e.g. in contoso USMF, USSI etc. We would like to have this dimension option to be available in needed intercompany functionalities in AX/Operations e.g. creating intercompany invoices (customer/vendor) and in adjustment. We have faced modification needs in Project accounting but this concerns many other modules too.
Category: General Ledger
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the feedback!  We will consider this for future releases.  Kristi, Microsoft PM



This is required by one of my former client. It will also help revaluation processes.

Category: General Ledger


We are currently implementing D365FO and are running into the same problem with intercompany. We have over 50 entities and don't like the idea of setting up 100+ main accounts. Our current out of date system (Enterprise One) has no problems doing this.
I would be interested to know what customizations were done (Zvika Rimalt or others). Our current consulting partner is pushing for standard implementation.

Category: General Ledger


All - I think the business flow as outlined below is very common and Dynamics is capturing the necessary information to create the inter company accounting

Company A (ECOI) is paying an invoice on behalf of Company B (ECOS) for €600 & Company C (NADI) for €400. In this example, Dynamics can logically identify the amount that company A (ECOI) is owed from both Company B (ECOS) & Company C (NADI). Thus I see no reason why Dynamics can not automatically create the Inter Payables & Inter Company Receivable lines with the correct Dimensions…Also, I think a call with the product owner would help here.

AP Trade Invoice - Created by the User
DB/CR Account Type Inter Dimension Legal Entity Amount
Invoice Journal
Cr Supplier ECOI -1,000.00
Dr Cost Line ECOS 600
Dr Cost Line NADI 400
Totals 0

Intercompany Transactions - Created by the Application
DB/CR Account Type Inter Dimension Legal Entity Amount
Dr IC Receivable ECOS ECOI 600
Cr IC Payable ECOI ECOS -600
Dr IC Receivable NADI ECOI 400
Cr IC Payable ECOI NADI -400
Totals 0

Category: General Ledger


Absolutely, trading partner functionality is something much needed on the multi company environments. Very common requirement that is gap in the product. Please consider interUnit functionality as well in the implementation. Logged another related suggestions https://ideas.dynamics.com/ideas/dynamics-operations/ID0003092, both are looking similar and can be combined. 

Category: General Ledger


I support this

Category: General Ledger


yes please!
I ended up customising this already in 3 different implementations.

Category: General Ledger


This may be applied to all posting Profile / main account setup in the system: enabling financial dimension (overriding given values) for more flexibility

Category: General Ledger