Currently, when partially invoicing a Purchase Order, any attachments are ignored, and do not flow to the posted purchase invoice.
This means that if you want to attach a copy of the PDF of the invoice, you need to use the one incoming document available for the PO.
If you then get another partial invoice for that purchase order, there is no option to add an attachment or incoming document to the posted document, other than by opening the posted document and attaching it at that point.

It would also be really good to be able to attach a new incoming document to a PO every time an invoice needs to be posted.
Category: Purchasing
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



This is a common requirement from customers, so would be a nice to have feature.

Category: Purchasing


This is a common customer request, so definitely required.

Category: Purchasing


We definitely need this improvement. All attachments should flow to the invoice even on partial receipts. This should also occur on the sales side as well! We store all relevant external documents directly in BC. It has caused a bit of confusion within our company on partially invoiced documents on where to look for the attachment. Most folks expect it to be on the invoice, but all attachments except the last attached are still on the PO/SO. Not to mention that if a partially invoiced document (SO or PO) is deleted, the attachments are also deleted. The way this works is very unexpected and folks may end up losing documents because of it.

Category: Purchasing


Another comment I would like to add is any attachments on the PO should flow into the Posted Purchase Invoice (partial or fully invoice) attachment factbox when invoicing a PO by creating a purchase invoice and using the "get receipt lines" function.

Category: Purchasing


Request product team to provide quick solution asap as multiple customers are facing issue with document attachment.

Category: Purchasing


Agreed, this has been an ask for many clients.

Category: Purchasing


I agree, this needs to be resolved.

Category: Purchasing


Please consider this Microsoft.. the situation where multiple shipments being required on the same PO cannot be unique to the 35 (and counting) users that voted for this idea. Maybe adding an additional "Attachment" option that clears out after every partial invoice would work.

Category: Purchasing



Category: Purchasing


Definitely need this improvement

Category: Purchasing