We use Grid views for opportunity tracking and forecasting.

Users will edit opportunity fields and forecast amounts inline in this main grid view. To make it truly useful for them though, they need to be able to see some summary numbers at the top: their quota target (separate field, no on opportunity), their total open pipeline (summation of fields in the grid view), and their weighted expectation pipline ( sum of amount field x probability field in grid view). This would let them see their pacing in the same place they are making edits, instead of having to look for it elsewhere.

We'd like to ability for the admin who is creating the view to be able to define and set up some number of these kinds of header fields as desired, including both aggregate operations and logic on the grid (Sum, Avg, CountIf, etc.) as well as just bringing in an external field from another entity.
Category: Lead Management
Under Review



This feature increase productivity for the sales team. Please consider adding it.

Category: Lead Management


This would be a great feature. Please consider adding it.

Category: Lead Management


It also seems that similar functionality is planned for the forecasting feature release. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/business-applications-release-notes/april19/dynamics365-sales/simple-forecasting-effective-sales-performance-management So it seems like there is some headway in enhancing grids and it would be great if we were able to use these type of grids generically throughout the system.

Category: Lead Management


Completely agree! I actually didn't see this post before and posted the same thing, it shows up right below your post. We created a custom tool years ago that summed totals exactly the way you describe but recently converted to use out-of-box editable grid feature for Opportunities. As anticipated, our users immediately asked for sub-totals in the column headers for key sales numbers.

Category: Lead Management


This would be a great feature. Please consider adding it.

Category: Lead Management