Over the course of a few months we received a plethora of errors similar to this:

Initialization of the database connection or transaction failed. This operation should be retried later. Initialization exception message: Database 'db_crmcoreemea_20181205_10231796_6596' on server 'spartan-srv-emea-crmcoreemea-7e758e2ebc25' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of 'DF3D4414-08AA-4D67-9580-01F0156704AA'.

The support engineer explained us that this is due to the dynamic nature of the underlying Azure system and that reallocation of hardware can lead up to interruptions. But the Dataverse Web API should take care of anticipated infrastructural changes in a way that the API consumer gets its data, regardless of what's going on in the back-end. This should be implemented in a much more graceful way instead of simply throwing an error and passing on the error handling to the client side.

Category: General