Customer Service Agents that use the queue for email correspondence between customer service and the customers quickly get frustrated that they have to manually click refresh to check if there are new emails in the queue. The Queue list view should be able to automatically refresh. Either with a fixed interval or even better when a new item is added or removed to/from the queue.
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This indeed is a little frustrating issue. In 2024 users have accustomed that everything is automatically updated, so there is a big possibility that you forget to refresh manually. That will in turn result in lost business opportunities caused by missing/false/outdated data being shown to the user.This truly needs to be fixed.

Category: Unified Interface


What is the point in manual refreshing? Would be the same like if I would need to continuously refresh my Outlook.. This needs to change asap since it slows down the work.Thanks in advance for the improvement!

Category: Unified Interface


This should be changed, would definitely improve usability.

Category: Unified Interface


Indeed unneseccary refreshing or need to jump between views to get updated queue info makes working click intensive and more demanding than it needs to be.

Category: Unified Interface


This would be such a big improvement! Other MS products like Outlook and Teams automatically refresh, it is very frustrating and seriously outdated to have to refresh manually in MS Dynamics.

Category: Unified Interface