This indeed is a little frustrating issue. In 2024 users have accustomed that everything is automatically updated, so there is a big possibility that you forget to refresh manually. That will in turn result in lost business opportunities caused by missing/false/outdated data being shown to the user.This truly needs to be fixed.
Category: Unified Interface
What is the point in manual refreshing? Would be the same like if I would need to continuously refresh my Outlook.. This needs to change asap since it slows down the work.Thanks in advance for the improvement!
Category: Unified Interface
This should be changed, would definitely improve usability.
Category: Unified Interface
Indeed unneseccary refreshing or need to jump between views to get updated queue info makes working click intensive and more demanding than it needs to be.
Category: Unified Interface
This would be such a big improvement! Other MS products like Outlook and Teams automatically refresh, it is very frustrating and seriously outdated to have to refresh manually in MS Dynamics.
Category: Unified Interface