In teh Project module, when adjusting a transaction from one project to another and the Dimension = YES, the Vendor financial dimension is lost. Example company has 5 financial dimensions:
1. Studio : uses values from Business Units
2. Department : uses values from Departments
3. Project : copies value from each new project created
4. Vendor : copies value from each new Vendor created
5. Customer : copies value from each new Customer created

When a project is created, the Studio, Department, Project, and Customer dimensions are set and will not change as they are fixed to that project.

However, the Vendor dimension is NOT associated with the project. It is associated with transactions that will be booked against this project.

When we adjust a transaction from one project to another (and Dimension = YES), the Studio, Department, Project, and Customer dimensions are be assumed by the new project as they are present in all our projects
BUT we do NOT want the vendor to be assumed as there is no Vendor dimension associated with the project and therefore it is being dropped.

The Vendor dimension is associated with the transaction and should be kept.

We lose the vendor dimension in the voucher and in the General Ledger string. We can no longer associate this transaction to that vendor dimension.

a suggested solution would be to create the Vendor dimension on these transactions with the vendor copied from the existing transaction to the new transaction created in the new project. Maybe it is the ability to define which Dimensions should be assumed from the new project and which should be copied over.
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