When you post an intercompany expense the financial dimenstion "Project" is filled automatically with the value from the original project ==> correct


If you register an time on a project from another legal entity within the timesheet the financial dimension "Project" is empty. Also it is not possible to choose out of the list because the list of value will only show projects from the actual legal entity.


The functionality should be changed to work in the same way than for expenses. 

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for reaching out. Your suggestion seems to be a product bug. Please reach out to the relevant support channels as specified in Product support (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=616937).


Kim Nelson

PM, Microsoft 



It is not a bug. We have made an extension to put dimensions into the project that goes to an "intercompany project" since the dimensions are limited to only the legal entity you are in.

Category: Project management


If this is a bug, then it is very well documented in the code TStimesheetLine (the issue is still present in 8.1):
if (this.isIntercompany())
// If this is an intercompany timesheet line, it should have only employee's
// dimension.
this.DefaultDimension = defaultDimension;

Category: Project management