If the user split an invoice into several lines for differentiation purpose, voucher transaction does not mirror the text invoice line. It would be great that voucher transaction can be generated regarding text invoice lines amount, invoice text and tax amount.

Norwegian companies use to send invoices electronically where text invoice lines works fine.
The issue is that the Voucher transaction does not update the description of invoice text so when the LedgerJournalTrans exported to database (BYOD) it is not clear enough.
Ideas Administrator

Released in 10.0.40



Agree with the previous comments. It is very important to have correct description line in voucher level. It should be fixed soon as possible it will be great help the stakeholders. Would be appreciated if you can share the ETA .

Category: Accounts Receivable


I agree with the others who have commented on this issue which is documented in LCS Issue 753453. A more sensible approach would be to have the respective Description field from each of the free text invoice lines populate their corresponding Description fields on the voucher transaction. For the offset account (typically an A/R trade account on the balance sheet), the Description field should be left blank. So that existing data doesn't need to be altered in D365 Finance, this change would not need to be applied retroactively to past transactions. Instead, the change could just affect future transactions posted after the change was deployed.

Category: Accounts Receivable


Agree with the previous comment. This is so obvious that to me it seems more like a bug, and definitely one that should be fixed soon.

Category: Accounts Receivable


In Poland it is also important to have transaction text similar as text from invoice line.
It is important from accounting point of view as each transaction should has description of the transaction and if we invoice in lines it means those are different service/good.
Import for analyses not all can be covered by GL or dimension.
Important also for tax reporting (SAF-Ty GL,Invoice).

Category: Accounts Receivable