Considering many business get their product master data into D365 from other PIM-systems, it can sometimes be hard to track the completeness of all your products - especially when you have a lot of them. One thing that can be hard to track is if products have been included in any assortment or not. The reason could be that product(s) are missing a category assignment and wont be included in the processing of the assortment since many businesses create their base assortment to include 'All products' (top node of the commerce hierarchy).

This means that products in-store can sometimes not be sold at that point in time and we only find out which products are faulty at this point too in order to assign a category and re-process the assortment. A view/report similar to 'products by category', but instead 'products without category' or 'non-assortment products' that will clearly filter out any products that do not belong to any assortment or category node in the commerce hierarchy. With this report, businesses could easier be proactive in correcting the faulty products and minimize the risk for lost revenue and bad customer experience in the stores.

DMF doesn't fulfill this as it can't export the ProductsV2 entity with filter criteria "" (or 0) for the Retail Category-field (this only leads to a completed export with 0 records even though there are items that do have a null category assignment). And exporting a full list of released products and comparing a full push of the category assignment-entity doesnt work either when the amount of records are passed 1 million.

Best regards,


Category: General