On posting the timesheet created in the lending company, an error will be thrown saying that no account exists for the account type Cost. This is because in the existing logic the ledger dimension is searched based on project account type ‘Cost’ and not based on any project Id or category id. Hence the ledger dimension is searched for all the default values(All projects, all category record) other than for project account type in the posting profiles of the lending company. As there is no record present for All projects, all category in the posting profiles of the lending company (i.e. GBSI), on posting the timesheet the error will be thrown saying “no account exists for the account type Cost”.
Our customer would like to have the ability for the Lending company to use the account seutp for either the Category or the Project.
Feedback from the partner and the customer:
I can see issues with having to use an All option for posting of inter-company transactions. I don’t know why they haven’t allowed using the project/ project group and category/category group from projects in another company when doing the cost postings in the lending company. There is nothing stopping a company from setting other company project/category group to control posting cost on inter-company postings – they chose to do it to control their postings. This is just normal posting behavior, if the specific doesn’t exist, fall back to group or the all. Not allowing it, limits users ability to control postings and potential mix intercompany cots postings with other normal project postings for the company. Anyway feels like someone has put blinkers on for this and taken a very small view.
Our customer would like to have the ability for the Lending company to use the account seutp for either the Category or the Project.
Feedback from the partner and the customer:
I can see issues with having to use an All option for posting of inter-company transactions. I don’t know why they haven’t allowed using the project/ project group and category/category group from projects in another company when doing the cost postings in the lending company. There is nothing stopping a company from setting other company project/category group to control posting cost on inter-company postings – they chose to do it to control their postings. This is just normal posting behavior, if the specific doesn’t exist, fall back to group or the all. Not allowing it, limits users ability to control postings and potential mix intercompany cots postings with other normal project postings for the company. Anyway feels like someone has put blinkers on for this and taken a very small view.
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