It would be perfect if the same per-tenant extension could be uploaded to the different BC tenants from the same regional service. Now this is possible only if • Regions differ • Package ID is the same • App ID or Version are different • Name, Publisher and Version are different But for testing, training or one-general-extension-for-many-customers scenarios this is not enough.

Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the feedback. We'll look at changing the upload requirements for per-tenant extensions in a future release of Business Central.



great idea!
for sure needed by many.

Category: Geographies and Localization


It would even be accaptable (at least for us) to use the app already existing and not the new uploaded extension.
Apparently, there is a validation recognizing the PTE with this version as already installed.
So it should be fairly easy to just pull the same extension and install at the current tenant.

Category: Geographies and Localization


It is a must-have. There are ways of handling it currently, but much too complicated.

Category: Geographies and Localization


I fully agree with this idea. Creating an app, maybe with other apps depending on it, and deploy all of them on 200 customer tenants, and maintaining them also, could lead to a huge amount of time wasting to manage this kind of deployment process.

Category: Geographies and Localization


Agrees. We would need it in my current project. End-user company with 31 countries. We are creating our own company specific extensions, so unless we wanted to put it to AppSource (which we wont), then we cannot use it in the cloud. Not having the option is just another reason they will say on-premise.

Category: Geographies and Localization