We would like you to add a function that notify the customer environment when new public information is released. This time, we are able to find out by chance by making an inquiry about the web interface will be gone in about a year. If there is a notification function in Dynamics 365 when public information etc. are updated, that it is very convenient and the users are able to get the necessary information.

Category: General
Ideas Administrator


We have made significant improvements in communicating what will be coming for future releases.  All information about what will come is at roadmap.dynamics.com.  Within each App, you will start to see Release Plans and Notes of what will come for upcoming releases.  We will provide our Release Notes 3 months prior to GA.  We will have 2 major release events a year.  Wave 1 in April.  Wave 2 in October.  Included in Release Plans will be video packages that we will review new features, access to community events, and more.