It used to be a lot faster to bring up inventory availability by location:

1. Search for item
2. Click Item No. to bring up item card
3. Click on the 3 dots next to the inventory figure

Since the last update, there are more clicks involved to get to the same information:

Option 1:
1. Search for item
2. Click Item No. to bring up item card
3. Click Availability
4. Click Item Availability by
5. Click Location

Option 2:
1. Search for item
2. Click Navigate
3. Click Availability
4. Click Items by Location > Items by Location window appears
5. Click Item
6. Click Item Availability by
7. Click Location

Is there another way to get to the information we want to see, faster?

Category: Inventory
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. 


Be aware that the current title and description are confusing, as Availability by Location is still on item card.

The window that was available as assist edit [...] is called Adjust Inventory and has a different purpose.

Adjust inventory is still available in the item card: Item - Adjust Inventory and allows use to perform positive/negative adjustment of inventory level.

Notice that there is a request about disabling that feature: https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=fa98ce7b-00db-e911-b3b9-0003ff68b7e1


You are right that it requires several clicks to get overview of availability by location.


I'm closing the current idea, as it is not clear whether it is about returning "Adjust Inventory" or making "Availability by Location" more accessible.

Please log a new suggestion.

Andrei Panko

PM, Microsoft