When closing /deleting and archiving/ a Purchase Order any attachments that are in incoming documents are not showing up when viewing the Closed Purchase Order in Archived Purchase Orders.

Purchasing is always attaching documents to Purchase Orders to support any changes to accounts and dimensions, etc. and they need to be able to review this documentation when the PO is closed /deleted and archived/.
Category: Purchasing
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering resolving this product suggestion through open source contributions from our community.
You can contribute by assigning yourself on following GitHub issue: https://github.com/microsoft/BusinessCentralApps/issues/361.

Sincerely, Business Central Team



Yes, we need this as well. Purchasing and accounting departments work diligently to attach PDFs from email for confirmations, pricing, and invoices for retrieval latter. But once its Posted, they are not accessible.

Category: Purchasing


Our customers are asking for this functionality as well.

Category: Purchasing


I am keen to get a status update on this as well. I would consider this functionality to be a high priority for customers.

Category: Purchasing


Can we get a status for this issue?This is a feature we have been missing for years.

Category: Purchasing


Just noting that in October 2022 I was able to access attachments on archived POs but now cannot. What changed?

Category: Purchasing


Has this feature been added? I am having difficulty in accessing an important contract that was saved to an archived PO.

Category: Purchasing


@Business Central Team (administrator)What is the status of this functionality.?The need is huge and as others write, it already works this way on archived sales orders.

Category: Purchasing


It's needed functionality, As it is a copy of purchase Order so we need to keep all information related to Purchase Order alive.

Category: Purchasing


Much needed One. As a part of paperless process, we would like to attach all the supporting document with the purchase order. Which will serve as a proof and record. But by limiting the access, we have to keep the hard copies filed separately, which is indeed an extra unwanted work. The developers need to be in the user shoes for this instance.

Category: Purchasing


This functionality is critical when clients invoice Purchase Orders from Invoices using Get Receipt Lines (rather direct from the Purchase Order) as the attachments are not moved to/available from the Posted Purchase Invoice. Business critical documents can be lost when the Purchase Orders are deleted and the attachments are not available on the Purchase Order Archives.

Category: Purchasing

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