In many business (e.g. gold, Chinese herb shop), customers maintain the quality and price with more than 2 decimals.

For example, our customer sales herb products in TAEL (1 TAEL = 0.0378 KG). In D365 we can extends EDT's to support 5 decimals. Also Unit form (UnitOfMeasure table) consists of "Decimal precision" field that can make it 5 decimals. Transactions (e.g. transfer order) create in D365 working fine.

But POS doesn't support it. In POS, the quantity is maintained with a maximum of two decimals by default. Please make POS to be more flexible, do not set default as 2 decimals only. Please make it follow by "Decimal precision" in unit configuration.
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This is block Transfer order on item with quantity is more than 2 digits. With incomplete decimal user cannot enter correct ship/ receive quantities. Quantity shows on POS is rounding quantity and not same as quantity on D365 back-ends.

Category: Store Operations and POS