At the moment, we are prompted to link a sales agreement to the sales line when creating the line. However, if you miss this prompt or want to add it later on, you cannot then manually link to a sales agreement from the sales line, even though, the functionality seems to be there. It can be done at header level, but we may have various sales agreements in place for different sales lines.

Brought up with Microsoft and received the following feedback:

"I have made a test and indeed the scenario reported by you is replicable: If a sales order does not have a sales agreement id linked in the create SO header form, than it is not possible to add it on the sale order line afterwards when SO is already created.​

​What I have found is that this is intended behavior. The Sales Agreement buttons in the Update line are only activated when a sales order has already a sales agreement ID on the SO header. It is not possible to add a link to a sales agreement once Sales order is created.​

The scope of the search for agreement lines is ONLY within the agreement that is linked to the HEADER of the document.​

Therefore, when there is no agreement on the header this buttons are disabled and this is current intended behavior.​

​In this situation, we cannot report this as an Issue to product group. The only options you might have is to make a customization I guess.​"
Category: General
Needs Votes



The ability to link a sales agreement to the sales order after it was created was available earlier releases 10.0.19. Not being able to attach a sales agreement after the SO has been created is resulting in significant rework for order processors.

Category: General