Consolidations>Elimination Journal>Create new>>Lines>Proposals>Elimination proposal

- users are unable update, edit or add/delete lines on the created Elimination journal

Customer is seeing the need to edit when debits/credits are not balanced. Thus, proposing to have this feature enhanced and allow users to edit the created Elimination journal.

Category: Consolidations



Hi Definitely a yes from here.It is in our currently solution to book eliminations within the consolidation system.It will be much more efficient to consolidate if the elimination ledgers are to be booked within the consolidation system. Hence the ledgers are created here and it it possible to see the effect directly and if everything ads up.Moving the currency difference out of the consolidation entity to a separate entity - gives possibilities for providing mistakes and the need to run unnecessary pre consolidationsThank you

Category: Consolidations


Our customer needs to be able to add 1 line in the elimination journal to balance minor (exchange rate) differences

Category: Consolidations


We need this too

Category: Consolidations