In Belgium localization package we can find BLWI report which should collect all sales and purchase non-domestic transactions connected to SERVICES.

Currently we can enable report and system will require BLWI code on all non-domestic transaction no matter if we use ITEM, procurement category which is linked to Item sales tax group - ITEM/SERVICE, or standard posting.

Idea is to expand this functionality and not only check Customer/Vendor country that is not BEL, but also ITEM SALES TAX GROUP and include only when Reporting Type is SERVICE. This way system will not ask for BLWI code when transaction is booked for ITEM Reporting type.

It will also allow easily using BLWI parameter - ERROR data validation, as todays it is useless, as all foregin transactions get error if no code is selected. My idea for ITEM SALES TAX GROUP usage is because BLWI report is part of foreign declarations like Intrastat and EU Sales list which both uses REPORTING TYPE to allocate and divide Services from Items and Investments.

Category: Tax