The Depreciation proposal standard transaction text gives text as Since … is misleading and wrong. Instead it should say Depr valid To and Valid From date. ref lcs link https://fix.lcs.dynamics.com/Issue/Details?bugId=499518&dbType=3&qc=3901084192882e8874a61b4ea46189811477b48671c68ff92e455deb5db93a91
Issue was replicated in USMF demo data
1. Open FA master for BUIL-000001
Click Books
Note Depreciation last run date is set as 12/31/2017
2. Run depreciation proposal
Create a new Fixed Assets Journal for Depreciation Proposal.
Click on Fixed Assets > Journal Entries > Fixed Assets Journal.
Create a new Journal & Click on lines. Click on Proposals > Depreciation Proposals > Enter To Date Field "10/31/2020", Filter with Fixed Assets Number BUIL-000001, Summarize depreciation is set as YES ,Make Sure Calculate Depreciation Field is marked as "YES". Click on Ok.
***Actual result***
Note 3 lines of deprecation is proposed one for each financial year and description for all three is set as Depr. Since 1/31/2018 which is misleading and wrong
***Expected result***
For First line the description should be set as Depr.From 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2018
For second line the description should be set as Depr From 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2019
For third line the description should be set as Depr From 1/1/2020 to 10/31/2020
Issue was replicated in USMF demo data
1. Open FA master for BUIL-000001
Click Books
Note Depreciation last run date is set as 12/31/2017
2. Run depreciation proposal
Create a new Fixed Assets Journal for Depreciation Proposal.
Click on Fixed Assets > Journal Entries > Fixed Assets Journal.
Create a new Journal & Click on lines. Click on Proposals > Depreciation Proposals > Enter To Date Field "10/31/2020", Filter with Fixed Assets Number BUIL-000001, Summarize depreciation is set as YES ,Make Sure Calculate Depreciation Field is marked as "YES". Click on Ok.
***Actual result***
Note 3 lines of deprecation is proposed one for each financial year and description for all three is set as Depr. Since 1/31/2018 which is misleading and wrong
***Expected result***
For First line the description should be set as Depr.From 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2018
For second line the description should be set as Depr From 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2019
For third line the description should be set as Depr From 1/1/2020 to 10/31/2020
Administrator on 7/18/2022 8:44:29 PM
Pleased to announce that this feature will be released in APP 10.0.29.