Please fix this.

Details for issue 516949 (dynamics.com)

Issue 516949 - Resolved

Work order attachments do not print with Work order when 'Print attached documents' set to Yes

Product and version: Finance and Operations

Release: 10.0.19

KB number: 4613921


Work order attachments do not print with Work order when 'Print attached documents' set to Yes, when printing work order attachments


This is a design limitation. Work order attachments cannot be printed with the work orders, when printing Work Orders. Microsoft is looking into fixing this in the upcoming releases. 

Category: Work order



A new feature was released that allows for attachments saved as PDF's to print with work orders, but this is only a step in the right direction and not a full resolution. The initial functionality that was not working was supposed to allow users to select document types in the asset management parameters that could be printed with work orders. Images, files, and URLs were options be default, the new feature only allows PDF's. Teams have been attaching files in the system for almost 2 years that would all need to be amended to PDFs one by one to allow them to print, this is not feasible and the solution should allow full intended functionality, not just PDFs

Category: Work order


Is there a solution to the item above? I am having the same issue. Work order attachments do not print with the work order even when Print Attached Documents is set to "Yes"

Category: Work order


Issue has not been resolved we need resolution to this issue please reopen and fix it.

Category: Work order


We are still seeing this issue. Unsure why it is marked resolved. Please reopen this issue and address.

Category: Work order


Why does this show as resolved, if it is still not working? We were just directed to this idea by Microsoft as this function is still not working.

Category: Work order