Use case:

We produce finished goods via production orders and take them into inventory. During storage of goods in the warehouse, some of the goods packaging gets damaged over time due to daily warehouse operations.

In such case, we need to re-package finished goods, which is another new production order. This new production order consumes the old damaged finished good produced and new packaging material in the production BOM, producing the same finished good again (just newly packaged).

(Addtional note: our inventory is financially valued on level of Site + Warehouse, with inventory model weigthed average.)


D365 standard allows creation of such circular production order, however the inventory valuation gets wrong and the total inventory value of finished goods produced and BOM items consumed does not balance (of course w/o additional overheard surcharges).

(Note: bugfix 870124 mitigates the issue slightly, but does not resolve wrong valuation).

Expected action:

Since D365 standard does not block the creation of such circular production orders, it should also lead to a correct inventory valuation, to be supported my Microsoft standard.

Category: Inventory