1. Would you be able to show the Status column in the list view to that a user can easily see what has been Approved and what is Pending?
2. In the Fact Box Pane, can we have the option of a preview of the Incoming Document?
3. Could we have the ability to show or hide columns in the Purchase Line of the Purchase Invoice? We current cannot see the global dimension and have to add extra steps to add them to each line.
4. In the Approval Request, can we have the ability to choose the approver on the fly if the approver has not been specified in the Approver User Setup?
5. In the email notification for the Approver Request, is it possible to have the option of including a preview of the Incoming Document for that Purchase Invoice in the test body of the invoice?
Category: Purchasing
Needs Votes



Sorry, number 5 has a typo. It should say: In the email notification for the Approver Request, is it possible to have the option of including a preview of the Incoming Document for that Purchase Invoice in the text body of the email?

Category: Purchasing