Product code : XYZ123
Product name : Margo Cookies 1 kg ( 2 packets)
Product Sales unit : kg
Trade agreement price : 200/- per kg
Unit conversion : 1kg = 2 Packet
Current Scenario : While adding new item XYZ123 in a sales order auto picks Sales unit 'kg' and fetch the price 200/- from Trade agreement. But if I change Sales unit to 'Packet' , price comes zero (blank).

Suggested Scenario : adding new item XYZ123 in a sales order will auto picks Sales unit 'kg' and fetch the price 200/-. But if I change Sales unit to 'Packet' , price is should be calculated as 100 (per packet) (200 divide by 2 Packet) using unit conversion.
Category: Opportunity



The current approach with the sales unit being price-sensitive is a good approach to persuade customers to buy full packages.

Still, your idea is good to reduce the management work of trade agreements and the risk of functional inconsistencies when above scenario is not desired by a company.

Therefore, I believe there should be a parameter to switch between the two logics, such as an "Allow unit conversion" checkbox in the trade agreement journal line details fast-tab, which will be considered by the "Find next" checkbox.

Category: Opportunity