Discount management is a pivotal aspect of sales and customer relationship management. The Customer Discount Group in Business Central (BC) serves as a tool for businesses to categorize customers based on discount eligibility. However, the lack of integration between BC's Customer Discount Group and Dynamics 365 Sales (D365 Sales) presents challenges in maintaining a uniform discounting strategy across platforms.

To bridge this gap, we propose the following solutions:

> Automated Discount Sync:

  • Develop a dedicated integration module that synchronizes discount data from BC's Customer Discount Group with D365 Sales in real-time.
  • This module will ensure that any changes made in BC are instantly reflected in D365 Sales, maintaining data consistency.

> Unified Discount Dashboard:

  • Create a unified dashboard accessible from both BC and D365 Sales.
  • This dashboard will allow users to manage, monitor, and analyze discount strategies across platforms, ensuring alignment in discounting policies.

> Enhanced Data Mapping:

  • Implement a mapping tool that cross-references customer data between BC and D365 Sales.
  • This tool will detect discrepancies in discount assignments and provide corrective recommendations, reducing manual oversight.

By adopting these methods, businesses can ensure a seamless discount management experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining sales processes across both platforms.

Category: Sales
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team