Add External Document Number and Description 2 fields to the sales order, sales quote, and sales invoice docsets so they can be used on reports.
Category: Sales
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider this functionality for a future release.  

Best regards. 

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On report 1306+1307Tariff noCounty of regionNet weight

Category: Sales


Struggling with this also - basically, if you can enter a piece of data on the window for entering a document (sales or purchases), it should be available in the report dataset. Trying to get Package Tracking number on Report 1305 Sales Confirmation and that is not available. Plus a number of the above fields.

Category: Sales


for the beginning you can install 365performance essentials app from appsource. It is free and shows the missed fields...

Category: Sales


Report 1306 Sales - Invoice: If you work with Word Layout and on the item card and add Extended Text as remark, shipping date will be printed on remark textlines.

Category: Sales


Report 208 Sales - Shipment: If you work with Word Layout and on the item card you work with Extended Text, there is a zero (0) in quantity field. Please can you fix the Data Set of Report 208 for Word Layouts?

Category: Sales


Missing fields in dataset:

Report 1304: External Document Number, Fax Number
Report 1305: External Dcument Number, Fax Number
Report 1306: External Document Number, Fax Number
Report 1307: External Document Number, Fax Number
Report 117: IBAN and SWIFT Code
Report 208: IBAN and SWIFT Code

Category: Sales


All Description, Name and Address fields should be available on the pages. Our customers need more information on their customers and vendor tha the Name.

Category: Sales


We use these fields in the database but need them to print on sales reports. The dataset does not have them for report id 1304, 1305, 1306, and 1307.
Sell to Customer home page.
Sell to Customer Contact
Sell to Customer Phone
Sell to Customer fax
Sell To Customer responsibility code
Shipping agent service code on the repeating line.

A couple of these fields we use for different information than its intended label but need them to get to the reports. such as home page. We use home page field and the fax field as custom fields that our business needs. We use sales orders as work orders and need that information to be available to the field crew that gets the work order. currently "home page" is "gate code".
Thank you Microsoft for making Word docs available to create custom reports. I couldn't get the hang of the SQL reporting option but the Word option is great.
One day would like to see custom fields that we users can use on customer cards and on sales docs. Coming from Quickbooks Enterprise we have gained so much by the switch to dynamics, especially piece of mind, but miss a few things such as custom fields. and would prefer them to be "out of the box" included with the dynamics solution.

Category: Sales


Description 2 should also be available by "show columns" on all sales and purchase documents instead of making it necessary to make an extension to add this field. And on the Item Card and Item List as well

Category: Sales