When I create a Purchase Order Receipt Product in lesser quantity than what was requested on the Purchase Order Product, the Line Status of the Purchase Order Product gets set to "Received" even though the Quantity Received is less than the Quantity of the Purchase Order Product. The current options are only Pending, Received, and Cancelled

Because Purchase Order can have many Purchase Order Receipts, the organization may not receive the full Quantity of the Purchase Order Product from the parent Purchase Order at once. The system allows you to create many Purchase Order Receipts with Purchase Order Receipt Products in various number of Quantities until the on the Purchase Order Product the Quantity Received is equal to the Quantity.

We need a status in between in case you receive less in Quantity of the Purchase Order Product for the first Purchase Order Receipt and Purchase Order Receipt Product created.




Pending, Partial, Received, Invoiced, Closed, Cancelled..From the D365FO side, I always thought it was interesting that there is no difference between an order from 2015 that is status:Invoiced (paid, cleared, posted) and an order from yesterday that is status:Invoiced (mailed them the bill but I have no money).So my thought is that both PO and SO status structures could cover receipt as outlined above, but also show invoiced/paid levels as well. (maybe a difference between line level and header level status?)

Category: Inventory And Purchasing