Hi, I would like to be able to use Custom relationship fields on the Case Entity as a filter and drill down in CSI.




Similarily, I would like to add filters onto the KPI page or other pages so I can filter the ticket data as per customer and per machine name.

I would like to develop a reliability study using time lines of incidents, frequency of incidents and develop a stragety per customer and use that as an overall analysis of the general metric

Category: Customer Service Insights – BI Analytics


Hi Caj - thank you for the suggestion! Could you provide some additional details on what type of fields you'd like to use and how?

As you may know we don't support customizing the visuals today, but we do support custom data field mapping so if you have "priority" or something similar in a custom field you can use the mapping to bring that data into the standard visuals: https://docs.microsoft.com/dynamics365/ai/customer-service-insights/map-data. More details on the scenario would be helpful!



Category: Customer Service Insights – BI Analytics