Wish there is an option to easily maintain template wizards and easily associate to end users (e.g. tools options), for purpose to easy entry process and keep master records data entry as best uniform as possible. (e.g. item number, item master configuration, item variables).

Not featuring template wizards to master records, for purpose to maintain as best uniform data entry as possible, with a guided assistant wizard, end user might potentially use conventional form technical features (e.g. skip, hide, show, rename, etc...) rather then featuring an assisted guided wizards with option to include (guidelines questions, e.g. conversion instructions or conversion examples, groups, BOMs, packagings, pricing methods, international inbound or outbound item codes, sales tax, vendor/customer external item and description, weights, reordering points, minimum, maximum, default vendor (s), item picture, etc.. ).

Featuring easy composure of template wizards and easy association to master records, user (e.g. training end user, basic user) might potentially have additional tools when becoming medium or advanced user, may better assist vendor-customer, system administrator, CFO, and potential better assist or speed master record (e.g. inter-company) creation, or other.

Featuring conventional record templates maybe helpful, however featuring template wizards might be optimum or potentially ideal.
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for your feeback! If it gets voted, we will consider adding it to our long term roadmap.


Beatriz Nebot Gracia

Program Manager, Microsoft