In the legacy SDK there is an example for extending the linedisplay functionality. In our case we need to override some of the text before it is shown on the linedisplay, and it works Ok for the legacy SDK way of doing things. But now when we are moving over to the new sealed way of doing things it would be nice to be able to do the following:

- Write a trigger for the DisplayTextLineDisplayDeviceRequest instead of having a write a INamedRequestHandler to override the standard functionality. So the logic would simply be in the OnExecuting method, to override the line values to be displayed on the linedisplay.

For this to work the trigger has to be able to "set" the value for the lines, before the standard handler displays it. As of now the we can only "get" the value for the lines and not "set" it.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the idea!  We will consider this in our product backlog and update the status of your idea if/when it becomes a planned or completed feature!