Idea for a Plan of Action:

  1. Adjust Power BI Settings:
  2. Start by checking the date format in Power BI's regional settings. If it's not in the Swedish format (YYYY-MM-DD), it should be changed to this. If it's already in the Swedish format, try switching it to a different format, save it, and then switch it back to the Swedish format. This might make Power BI update the date format in the analytics tab. After making these changes, check if the date format in the analytics tab has been updated.
  3. Try Different Things in Power BI:
  4. Next, try creating a new report or dashboard in Power BI using a different dataset. Check the date format in the analytics tab of this new report or dashboard. Also, try changing the regional settings in Power BI to a different region, save the changes, and then change it back to the Swedish region. This might make the date format in the analytics tab update.
  5. Check the Connection Between Dynamics 365 and Power BI:
  6. The third step could be to check how Dynamics 365 and Power BI are connected. Make sure the connections are set up correctly and that data is being synced properly. Also, check how often Power BI is set to refresh the data. Since Power BI doesn't update data in real-time, it's important to make sure it's set to refresh the data often enough.
  7. Try Different Refresh Intervals in Dynamics 365:
  8. Lastly, try setting a different refresh interval for the "deploy measurement" batch job in Dynamics 365. This job has already been set to run at a nearer time, but this didn't update the data. After changing the refresh interval, check if the date format in the analytics tab has been updated.
