The Customer buys Highway Tolls (Entitlement to use specific Highways) that have validity ranges of 10, 14 etc. days at least 14 days in advance.
The Customer can have several Highway Tolls ordered that are dormant at the same time, which are depicted as assets (German Produkt) of a contact and consists of several Informations:
- Registered(entitled) Vehicle
- Contact
- Article Name
- Validity From, To
- Bolean (Calculated) DIVI Reminder Active

Two days before the validity of The Highway Toll begins, the customer gets an automated E-Mail with the specifics of the Toll(s) which is handled in the E-Mail with the {{For Each}} function to show those.
An Automation is created to handle it with the Injection being a Dynamics Segment that queries Contacts that have one or more assets that:
- Valid From = within the next 2 Days  not optimal
- And Bolean = DIVI Reminder Active is True, which is also used as condition for the details to be shown in the reminder:

Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde!
{{#each contact.ema_asset_contact_ema_contact}} {{#if this.ema_divi_reminder_active}}
Ihre {{this.ema_product_name}} (mit der Produkt-ID {{this.ema_number}} für das Kfz-Kennzeichen {{this.ema_vehicle_plate_number}} ist ab.
{{this.ema_valid_from_local_server}} gültig und hat eine Gültigkeitsdauer bis einschließlich {{this.ema_valid_to_local_server}}.
Hier ist der Link.

- This way, if there are overlaps of validity starts, details of both assets are depicted in the automated E-Mail
The goal is to have one automation that is always active to handle all the automated activation reminder e-mails. A Client should be able to get reinjected to
The automation whenever it has an asset that will become active in 2 days.

The client in the end will have several different Reminder Automations for different types of Highway tolls (eg. for Trucks, Motor Cycles, Cars).
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