Issue Description:

  1. The Customer has a custom view on my 'On-Hand' form (Inventory Management->Enquiries and reports->On-hand list), the field list is different when inserting a column to the grid.
  2. When customer create a new view on the form - call it 'My view - on hand' and remove some fields then save the view and pin it as the default view for the on hand form, after refreshing the browser, if attempt to insert a new column to the grid, get a different list of fields compared to when the standard view is the default view for the form. The difference in the list is significant.

Expected Result:

When having a custom view as the default view, the field that can be inserted into the grid does not match the field of the data source that is on the form. To get the full list of the fields back, the user must set the default view back to the standard view then customize their view in order to add any additional field that is not displayed. All fields for all data sources on a form should always be available to insert into the grid.

Category: Inventory