Next stage button behavior of Activity Business Process Flow (BPF) should not mandate saving the activity before progressing to the next stage.

Currently, users are required to save their updates before moving on to the next stage in the Activity BPF. This behavior is not consistent with the smoother process observed in the Opportunity BPF.

Implementing this change would not only save users a significant number of clicks but also enhance the overall efficiency of Activity management.

Your votes and support for this idea will contribute to streamlining the Dynamics for Sales experience. Let's make this improvement together!




Totally agree that this is one of the most frustrating things for end users and one that we get a lot of complaints about. The extra clicks seem really unnecessary and also make the system feel cumbersome.

Category: Account, Contact, Calendar and Activity Management


User Experience investigations in several countries is consistantly pushing this as an important topic to be have a more smooth way of working in daily sales life, working with our BPE's. Thanks for this dev. request/idea

Category: Account, Contact, Calendar and Activity Management


Users complain a lot about this behavior, and they can't understant why opportunity and appointment don't work the same way

Category: Account, Contact, Calendar and Activity Management


This is not only a useful improvement, but also an alignment with the product, since it works well on Opportunity, for example!


Category: Account, Contact, Calendar and Activity Management