The current search and display functionality in a lookup is difficult for untrained users, inflexble and hard to find matching record. For example, it only supports words "begin with" which means typing in a middle string in search box doesn't return any results. The current design also requires the use of a wildcard (e.g. *ski*) in the search string, and the keywords need to be in the exact order it appears in the records (e.g. *213*Cell, not *Cell*213). This is problematic for new users who are unfamiliar with the exact word order in the record they are searching for. I suggest replacing current search and display functionality with a Google-style "smart search". As users simply type text, the lookup dynamically show the matching records containing the entered string (in any word order) point in time. As more text is entered, more specific the search becomes and fewer matching records appear in the lookup. There is no need to use a wildcard * to mask texts, just 'search as you type' behaviour. A lot of applications these days employ this type of "smart search" functionality, which I believe will greatly increase both user productivity and usability for Dynamics 365 as well.

Category: General
Ideas Administrator


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