The live chat service level KPI measures the percentage of chat interactions handled within a predefined threshold (i.e 60 secs). Including this KPI in the historical dashboard will align with our need for comprehensive performance analytics and support our overall business objectives.

Understanding the historical performance of our live chat service level is critical for several reasons:

  1. Trend Analysis: Analyzing historical data helps us identify trends in our service levels over time. This insight is crucial for understanding patterns, improving forecasting accuracy, and making informed strategic decisions.
  2. Resource Planning: Historical service level data is essential for planning resources and staffing. By understanding past performance, we can better allocate resources to ensure optimal service levels during peak times.
  3.  Performance Evaluation: We need to evaluate the performance of our customer service team over different periods (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly). Historical data allows us to assess how well our team is meeting service level agreements (SLAs) and identify areas for improvement.

  4. The service level is determined by calculating the percentage of interactions answered within a predefined threshold time. Since the system already records the time taken to answer each interaction for the average speed of answer calculation, we only needs to count how many of these interactions fall within the acceptable threshold and then express this count as a percentage of the total interactions.
