When using the expense management app on my phone, all amount are wrong, they are multiplied by 100.

It seems like the app is missing support for multi cultural setup, i.e. where my user in Power Platform is using en-us as language, but my phone is using DK setup. This gives a difference in the decimal separator. this is common scenario and it makes the app useless if everything need to be fixed in FO afterwards.

So the change suggested here is for the app to support multicultural setup between the different devices.




This issue still exists and it is a huge problem as companies cannot control mobile phones of all employees (in many cases these are their private phones). If the company policy is to use language en-us in D365FO, then employees must have:Power apps on the mobile phone in English languageUS number format selected in Regional settings on the phone. If these conditions are not true, it is:not possible to enter decimal places when entering expenses in app;values entered on the expense are being changed with different actions (like itemization) - zeros are added or subtracted;values of imported credit card transactions get corrupted if an employee tries to add more data to them (itemize them...) and attach them to an expense report.

Category: Expense Management