When importing a customer payment file with file format Camt.054 to a customer payment journal it would be preferable if the payment status would be set to "Approved" on the payments that are fully settled against an invoice.
Currently all payments get payment status "Received" regardless of finding an invoice match or if the payment amount is not correct.

It would also be a nice feature to get an import report when the import of the payments has finished. This report should display which payments that were OK (i.e settled) and which payments that were not OK (ex not finding the invoice or wrong amount). A short description of why the settlement against an invoice failed shold be displayed on all lines that are not OK.

Today most swedish customers are importing customer payments with the file format BGMax. When importing this format you both get a import report once the import is finished (displaying whats suggested above). Additionaly, payments that successfully settles against an invoice gets payment status approved while payments that do not settle (fully or at all) gets status received. This makes it easy to see which payments you need to take a look at and manually handle.
However, this payment format (BGMax) will no longer be supported by the banks as of 2022, and the new recomendation will be to use the camt.054 format. Therefore many swedish customer will be effected by this and will most likely miss the functionality that comes with BGMax format that the camt.054 format does not support today.




is the same case with vendor payment too?

Category: Cash and bank management


The request for an additional report is a must in Switzerland, too. The old ESR import functionality provided such a report, so our customers do not understand that such a report has not been implemented for the new import functionality, either.

Category: Cash and bank management