Dear all,
The project module in D365FO supports the following transactions, hours, expenses, items & fees. There are business branches where services are not being invoiced on an hourly base, but on a daily rates, i.e. the customer does order "man-days".
So far, there is no proper solution for this. Let me explain...
-Posting hours means you invoice hours. Of course you may say "1 man-day is an equivalent to 8 hours", however, as the customer purcahses man-days, he wants to see on the invoice the resource, amount in MAN-DAYS and sales price for 1 man-day.
-Using fees to invoice instead of the bill-able hours. The problem here is that a fee is "just" an amount without a quantity. In the fee journal it is possible to define a fee based on a resource. However, on the invoice you end up always with 1 quantity and the fee, but it is not possible to define a fee for 1 quantity and then to post in the fee journal x quantity.
My proposal:
Why not simply implement a quantity field\column on fee journals? This would not only solve the upper business scenario, but also make invoicing of fees more detailed.
F.e. you are selling exams on project bases and invoicing it for 10 participants with 1 rate being 100€ . Wouldnt it be better to display on the invoice a fee description, quantity, sales price and sales amount like:
Desciption Quantity Sales price Sales amount
Exam 10 100 100
As of now, you only get this:
Desciption Quantity Sales amount
Exam 1 100
Kind regards, Adis