It should be possible to create custom lookup to an Opportunity Product, Quote Line Item, Order Line Item or Invoice Line Item. This would reduce significantly the occasions when a custom entity is used instead of the standard line items in complex solutions.
eu quero
Category: Opportunity
Here is an example of how this will help. I am using Orders and Order Line Items. For each Order Line Item, I need to add invoice schedule details which are held in a custom entity called "Invoice Schedule". Currently I have no way to add a Order Line Lookup to the "Invoice Schedule" entity.
Category: Opportunity
Thank you for your feedback Mark. We need some more details to understand your suggestion better. Can you please help us by providing more examples of the types of scenarios where this functionality would be useful. Sincerely, Daniel Dallala PM, Microsoft
Category: Opportunity
Administrator on 12/20/2017 7:50:44 PM
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