As multiple tax registration numbers feature is now supported in a single legal entity, it will have chance to have different warehouse/site at document line level from the header, which will lead to the List Code value is not correct at document header level.

A simple example as below:

A German legal entity has two warehouses in France and Germany. When creating sales order with a German customer, the default warehouse at header will be Germany and List Code value will be Not Included. However, if the warehouse at order line level is changed to France, then the correct List Code value for this transaction should be EU Trade. If user forgets to update the List Code on the header, then mistake happens.

So if List Code can be supported at line level, it can help validate if the value is the same between header and line to avoid manual mistake.

Category: Tax
Needs Votes



Great idea!

Although my problem is slightly different, it basically has the same roots.

Our company is doing drop shipments (direct deliveries) and depending on certain scenarios lines from one SO need to be captured as triangular trade under our local VAT ID, other lines however can't be triangular and need to be covered under our VAT ID in the country of shipment. It is absolutely fine if this needs to be done in different invoices, but currently this also is impossible to do from one SO (and have the list code correct to include parts of the SO in the local EU Sales List, other parts not (since they are domestic under the company's VAT ID in the shipment country).

Category: Tax


This issue will result in an incorrect EU sales list declaration

Category: Tax