
When you deal with an organization with multi level account structures, let's say a local branch account, a parent national account and an international head office account in hierarchy, activity visibility needs attention.

Missing Feature:

We need to see all contact's activities on the timeline viewing from the Highest parent or global account.

What we experience is that when you have a custom activity or an OOB activity that you perform on a contact, lets say a phone call or custom visit report activity, said activity will display on the timeline of the account related to the contact. It will even be on the parent account of the related contact's account.

The missing feature is the ability to see activities or custom activities on the highest level or highest level of parent account when the activity was on the lowest account level contact.


Lets assume a contact named John. John works for a local branch of a company named Koka Kola. John is a contact related to the Koka Kola Houston account.

Koka Kola has 3 levels of accounts

  1. Koka Kola Local in Houston (Parent Account = Koka Kola Texas)
  2. Koka Kola National in Texas (Parent Account = Koka Kola Washington)
  3. Koka Kola International Head Office in Washington DC (Highest level parent to all state accounts in the US)

When the managing director view the timeline of the Koka Kola International Head Office in Washington DC, he does not see any activities executed and captured against John on the timeline of Koka Kola International Head Office in Washington DC (Highest level Parent Account). The managing director needs to see the lower account level activities captured on contacts on the highest level accounts.

What works already... If you capture a phone call on an account at Koka Kola Local in Houston, and you go to the parent's account (Koka Kola National in Texas) then you see the phone call activity or any custom activity. When you go to the highest level of account, so view Koka Kola International Head Office in Washington DC's timeline you do see the activities for any children accounts (Koka Kola Local in Houston + Koka Kola National in Texas)

So accounts work fine, contacts related to lower level accounts needs to be visible on the top parent timeline too.
