Request the product team to enable Extensibility on two base enum which we have leveraged (as overlayering) for building our solution Industry: Construction and Property rent & Management Scope: Construction projects are created in project module and all construction costs of material, labor and items are posted to parent project. During construction, periodically costs are apportioned from construction project (Parent project) to property projects (sub projects). Apportion of cost should update projects transactions and generate financial entries relating to moving of cost from parent to sub project using posting type (Cost apportion) as control accounts. Added new posting type (to address above scenario) in project costs tab to specify main accounts in project ledger posting form.

Category: Development
Ideas Administrator

Please use LCS for all extensibility requests, they are tracked and managed by a dedicated team.


Usefull artical

Category: Development

Yes extensibility support is crucial for our projcts

Category: Development