Germany only accepts Pain 001.001.09 files, now only pain 001.001.03 files .
Please incorporate pain 001.001.09. Can't wait until all countries have Pain 09. This will also be possible in the Netherlands from January 2024 at ABN-AMRO.
Availability in report 11000014, thank you. But the new address structure is nog available in this report, when is that to be expected ?Old Format:XML Naam Ontvanger NL New format:XML Naam Ontvanger Straatnaam Huisnummer Postcode Plaatsnaam NL Regards,Frank Groot Roessink
Category: Geographies and Localization
Business Central Team (administrator) on 9/26/2024 1:13:55 PM
Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the SEPA functionality update in 24.3.
PM, Microsoft