-There are 2 events owned by different business units that own the record
-There are 2 contacts in the system - 1 contact is owned by "5104 Team", and 1 contact owned by "3667 Team" (each team in different business unit)
-A Contact is registered for an event owned by the "5104" Team, but this contact is owned by the "3667" business unit
-Their current customization (plugin) allows that when an event registration is created, they incorporate business unit scoping here to make sure the correct contact is associated with the event registration
-their client has multiple contacts for the same person in different business units because these contacts are applying to 3 different law schools each, so they have 3 contact names each
-Right now D365 is grabbing any contact it can find and adding it to the event registration, regardless of the business unit it's in, unless they use their custom plugin
-They want this to be done automatically OOB
Additional Information:
-This works in Customer Journeys and Segments already, and we would like it to also work in Event Registration
-There are 2 events owned by different business units that own the record
-There are 2 contacts in the system - 1 contact is owned by "5104 Team", and 1 contact owned by "3667 Team" (each team in different business unit)
-A Contact is registered for an event owned by the "5104" Team, but this contact is owned by the "3667" business unit
-Their current customization (plugin) allows that when an event registration is created, they incorporate business unit scoping here to make sure the correct contact is associated with the event registration
-their client has multiple contacts for the same person in different business units because these contacts are applying to 3 different law schools each, so they have 3 contact names each
-Right now D365 is grabbing any contact it can find and adding it to the event registration, regardless of the business unit it's in, unless they use their custom plugin
-They want this to be done automatically OOB
Additional Information:
-This works in Customer Journeys and Segments already, and we would like it to also work in Event Registration
Needs Votes