We propose the implementation of additional functionalities within Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data to enhance rule setup flexibility and adaptability.

  1. Inclusion of "Is Not" Functionality: We suggest incorporating the same capabilities found in the "Is" statement into the "Is Not" statement. This enhancement would provide users with comprehensive options when setting up rules across various scenarios. Right now when we want to specify a segment using the "Is" statement, we then have the following 12 options: "Specific date", "after", "on of after", "before", "empty", "within last", "between", "month of", "year of", "day of month", and "day of week". While if we choose "Is not" we have the following 3 options: "Specific date", "empty", and "between".
  2. Dynamic Date Rules: We advocate for the introduction of dynamic date rules to enable more versatile segmentation based on temporal criteria. For instance, users may seek to identify customers who made purchases one or two years ago. Presently, segments can be created statically using the "between" rule, but a dynamic approach would significantly benefit users, especially as the platform transitions to Real-Time marketing strategies.

By implementing these enhancements, Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data would offer increased flexibility and efficiency in rule setup, empowering users to derive deeper insights and optimize marketing strategies effectively.

Category: Segmentation
Ideas Administrator

Exists in product.



Hi Guido,That seems to be exactly what I was looking for.Thank you so much!Mathias

Category: Segmentation


Hi Mathias,Maybe I don't fully understand your second suggestion, but isn't this already possible when you click the two opposing arrows after the date field? Gr.Guido

Category: Segmentation